Friday, July 21, 2006

Religion or Politics?

I thought I'd comment on what looks to be an imminent ground invasion of Lebanon by the IDF (Israeli Defence Force). Lots of commentators seem to be polarised into the pro-Israeli camp and pro-Lebanon camp but it's not really that simple IMO.

I support the Israeli response, to a degree, in that thier nation is under attack and that requires a response. They are surrounded by nations of Arabs who want to see their nation wiped off the map and they seem to be immune to the liberal media boom who want to make nice-nice with religious fundmentalists.

There is no point negitiating with Hamas or Hizbollah or whatever Islam terrorists are the flavour of the month because they aren't interested in diplomacy, except if it makes Israel lose face or influence, all they want is the annihilation of the 'zionists'.

However, the wholsesale invasion of Lebanon isn't the way forward, it will only exacerbate the anti-Israeli feelings among the Arabs. Then again the Israelis don't seem to care as there seems to be no way out of this mire of spiralling violence and tit-for-tat escalation.

I don't know what the soluiton is and I'm not sure there is one. The Arabs can't live with Israel and Israel ain't going anywhere. Apart from the massive loss of life a full-scale war would involve, the only long term solution I can see is a large scale ground war with the victor in charge of the whole Middle-East; not a scenario I, or anyone else, would want to see happen.

So where to go? Politics is the ultimate driving force here and unless a long-term political solution, involving the Palistinians, is reached the relious differences between the two cultures, (and 'christendom' - the US) will continue to influence those in positions of power.

Complete eradication of religion in the ME (and the world) would prehaps enable some degree of reason and lessening of hatred amongst the decision makers and a long-term peace involving co-operation between humans can be attained.

I'm not too hopeful, it has to be said but I don't think the conflict will spread as Syria and Iran don't have the means to stand up to Israel and they aren't stupid enough to try.


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